Thursday, July 29, 2010


訂冷氣機訂床墊開水電帳戶寫ikea傢具清單。整天窩在無限網路空間裡處理這些搬家的雜事。精神卡在城市夏日熱氣中的空洞之中,不進不出。St Mark街上都是NYU的吵雜大學生。去上瑜珈課想要放鬆,卻從來沒有更焦慮過。小小的無空調房間之中擠了五十個以上狂流汗的年輕人,吐氣像是鯨魚的哀號一般。吃日本蕎麥麵然後frozen yogurt,隔壁桌的女生在討論bad bugs的蔓延程度。我應該要提起精神讀conference的勞工文章,或至少打開mac上的文件夾繼續寫小說。我卻怎麼也提不起勁。q wave認識的小T要我幫忙發在bryant park酷兒青年野餐聚會的傳單,我突然有種年華老去的感覺。東村這裡每個走在街上的人都拿著一支smart phone或者一支煙。我好久沒那麼想抽煙了。

Sunday, July 25, 2010

the city of heat.

I think i can finally understand why in almost every movie about new york people talk about the heat. It really occupies you and dramatically changes how you structure you life here. I thought my semi-tropical upbringing has trained to get used to this heat. But no. Not with so many cranky people in the streets and no where to sit in a coffee shop. I'm just glad that L and i finally found an apartment. I'm excited to go to IKEA and be the biggest lesbo ever planning on the interior design. Living in someone else's living room and worrying about the bad bugs epidemic in the city is really not fun. We eat japanese foods almost every day in the east village. I feel beyond normal to be a fob here because there are always more tourists than fobs. I just wonder where the lesbians are? Lower east side is full of hipster gay boys but haven't seen any dykes so far. Met some cool folks from q-wave today at this cute taiwanese tea place. That might be a good start.

Monday, July 12, 2010

stolen vacation on the oregon coast.

There is literally nothing around here except the ocean, unless you really find whale watching entertaining. Nothing. No 3G. No flat screen tv. Even my cell phone reception is choppy. I guess it's the best time to be sick and mellow with your girlfriend's family. I take some cold medicine and just lay by the ocean all day reading Sarah Schulman's Girls, Visions, and Everything, some lesbian novel from the 80s. L and her sister are really into tanning but I still can't decide if I would look good tanned or not (my East Asian baggage). The little towns nearby such as New Port are pretty depressing. There is giant Safeway or Fred Mayer but none of the little stores seem to be able to survive. It's sad when you go to a different town and want to see how the local life is but still end up going to Rite Aid buying the latest GQ magazine. We get high on the parking lot of the only theater in Lincoln city and watched an animation about a Russian villian's inner fatherly love, then play Sudoku until we fall asleep by the sound of the ocean.