Wednesday, October 21, 2009



申請研究所博士班大概是我經歷過最非人性化的程序。所有的統計數字都告訴你成功的機率小於2%,而你卻得在每一個欄位,每一篇文章中表現超乎百分之兩百的自信。這個學校要social justice,那個學校要diversity,我想他們還不如給我做個腦部斷層或基因檢驗,或者乾脆把我的胸口壓在影印機上列印一張我的熱情吧。UC Santa Cruz幾個禮拜前才被幾百個對於州政府學術預算裁減憤怒的學生和無政府主義給佔領,完全就是我們組織運動的目標之一,這樣的學校若還不收我我也沒有辦法!



  1. can't type, or dont know how to type chinese on this damn mac computer:P
    i will miss you guys a lot!! but i also know we gotta do what we gotta do in our lives and go out there to explore and learn. when its calling you, you just gotta listen to it. but know that you guys always got warmth and food and sexy chinese movies to watch wherever i am:)!

  2. da mee-

    it'd be a hard decision to leave seattle because we both feel like we've got great community here! i'm just trying to think about this change as expending the community instead of leaving, since we all know folks all over the country- at the end it's still a small world and i'm sure we will still bond with some sexy chinese often ;) maybe we will all end up somewhere in asia?? who knows!
