Friday, December 23, 2011


三件佳節冬季毛衣、兩件襯衫、兩雙鞋。我還在決定究竟我該帶《The Reification of Desire》上路還是完全不再管馬克斯跟酷兒的關係,就看Jonathan Franzen的小說就好。我總是這麼小心翼翼又興奮緊張地迎接超過五小時的飛行。好像在飛行中我可以丟掉或者暫時脫離我厭倦自己的一部份。那些必須迎合的、必須友善的、必須故作聰明的自己。其實有時我也只想貪懶在電視機前,看連續十集的HBO影集,吃光從冰島回來朋友送的杏仁巧克力。在過度的工作擠壓之下,沒有什麼文化是特別高尚的。我們每日必須做的不過是再生產自己的勞力。



Sunday, December 18, 2011

cheers to the unknown.

I am facing a severe social burnt out. I cannot stand the small talks across hallway, the howareyous and the goods/okays/notbadness. I just want to hide in my own cave to heal the exhaustion from my own anxiety and the growing hostility toward people around me. The egos over meeting, the paternalistic gesture, the fucking superficial careerism. Sometimes I wonder I could ever feel close to another human being again without developing hidden agendas or unhealthy competitiveness. What I really want to do is to have a break for life. To read literatures. To write. To sleep without anxious dreams. To make love.

My second book is in the process of getting published and I am supposed to be ECSTATIC about it. But I am too afraid to fail in different aspects of my life to be fully committed. Though sometimes I feel art is the only pleasure left in my life and I should be more attentive and tender with it. I am practicing to read fictions again without skimming through key words and digging the theses of the author. I am learning again to enjoy a world of fantasies. Of imagination. At the end that should be what happiness is--the unknown. To not know what the future will look like. To have multiple possibilities.

I notice that I only write when I feel angry/sad/blah. What I really need to do is bring art back to my life. Even just small things. Like the poems in a 30 minute subway ride. Like a text message while walking cross town. I should not use art to vent but to create.

I need a break to do life differently.

So I start having whiskey at night again. Just a little bit in a 5 oz IKEA glass. I read Jonathan Franzen like all the characters are parts of me that I am avoiding to understand. Like a true communist's weapon is not just kapital but her power to create and to pleasure.

Yeah. Pleasure.