Wednesday, October 28, 2009


produced and directed by my video-maker friend, val, who is completely obsessed with the color green.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

in defense of gay marriage

Lindsay called me after her family wedding in San Fransisco. It's always at times like this, when we are apart from each other, we realize how different our relationship is compared to others, the heteronormativity of this planet. People always say, "it's okay, you can still have a commitment ceremony and dress pretty," or "why don't you go to Canada?" Yes, we understand that we can't get married here, if we even wanted to at the first place. But what they don't understand is that marriage is not just a simple ceremony. It's so deeply rooted in the state, the culture, our legal and gender identity, our concept of romance and commitment. I used to be very anti-marriage, seeing it as a reactionary and assimilationist move for queer liberation. However, now I just feel like why the fuck we can't have the same rights that straight folks have? There is something really disruptive about how some radical queer activists protest against the rights we should not be doubted to own. In reality, many queer folks can afford to hate on marriage because they already have enough material resources to live a comfortable middle-class life with people they love.

Of course there is a lot of messed up things about marriage--religion, the question about monogamy, patriarchy, state control and Capitalism. The biggest mess in the queer movement now is precisely seeing gay marriage as a revolutionary demand or queer utopia. It's just like saying that granting every immigrant a green card and a job could smash U.S. imperialism and White supremacy. Gay marriage is a reform just like how interracial marriage was a reform in the 60s. It apparently didn't end all racism but it resolved some urgent issues that people of color faced. At the rally for Referendum 71 in Seattle this month, people were pumped up about how domestic partnership and marriage were like Black folks' struggles against slavery, KKK, or segregation. I found it extremely disappointing because how could we talk about gay marriage as a revolutionary demand if we didn't even start talking about racism, elitism, transphobia, and the upper-middle class White ass snobbery in the queer community? Of course we immigrant, working-class, people of color queers would not be so happy if gay marriage was only about showing off some rich White gay men's engagement rings or adopted Chinese babies.

I believe that gay marriage can be fought for in a package including other demands such as immigration, health care, and workplace reforms. It also has to be fought with a long term vision that every one's material benefits should not be tied with relationship status--whether you are straight, gay, poly, or choose not to fuck. Only when we all start seeing that queer liberation is not just about arguing whether missionary position or fisting is more progressive, and bridging our struggles and demands with the working-class, POC, trans folks, and immigrants, and push our demands through collective direct action (i'm not talking about orgy here, you queers) instead of the annually legislation bullshit, I would say that we have a movement going. And by then, I could truly care less about marriage. I might still want our 3/4 Chinese baby, though.

Saturday, October 24, 2009



十點上床,七點醒來。十點在solstice。每天,盯著十吋的電影不斷修改三種版本的研究所申請文章。把自己的身分扒開再裝飾。誰在乎妳是什麼移民酷兒有色人種呢?這幾年的困境可以用兩頁的word document說清楚嗎。我們每天面對的自我懷疑,即使只是幾分鐘的不悅,在這種沒有多少人性的篩選過程一一曝光乾淨。沉著。沉著。每次快要焦慮爆發的時候就開始寫中文字。為什麼我這麼害怕犯錯?誰又是我想像中的審判員?

Lindsay在舊金山參加一場家庭婚禮。我不習慣沒有她在身邊。尤其當我覺得焦慮的時候,總是希望她可以用她治療師的語調告訴我,I know you can get through this。




Wednesday, October 21, 2009



申請研究所博士班大概是我經歷過最非人性化的程序。所有的統計數字都告訴你成功的機率小於2%,而你卻得在每一個欄位,每一篇文章中表現超乎百分之兩百的自信。這個學校要social justice,那個學校要diversity,我想他們還不如給我做個腦部斷層或基因檢驗,或者乾脆把我的胸口壓在影印機上列印一張我的熱情吧。UC Santa Cruz幾個禮拜前才被幾百個對於州政府學術預算裁減憤怒的學生和無政府主義給佔領,完全就是我們組織運動的目標之一,這樣的學校若還不收我我也沒有辦法!
