Monday, December 13, 2010

did i just miss the first snow in new york while smoking indoor?


my winter reading list:

1. borderlands/gloria anzaldua
2. women, race, class/angela davis
3. the truth that never hurts/barbara smith
4. a brief history of neoliberalism/david harvey
5. the enigma of capital/david harvey
6. nations unbound/linda basch
7. maid to order in hong kong/nicole constable
8. and the everlasting capital i...ah! damn marx. i will conquer you.
9. marx at the margin/michael lowy
10. queer migrations/luibheld and cantu
11. constructing the subject/kurt danziger
12. when prophecy fails/leon festinger

you see i'm going for the third world women comfort mixed with some marxism and transnational queer and then have to go back to the asian roots and some social psychology. that's what my winter will look like this year.

1 comment:

  1. hi wen,
    do you have any interest in reading capital vol. 1 with others this winter? i read it as part of a study group over 10 years ago; with entrenched prejudices as a teenage anarchist and limited experience with marx as a primary source, little understanding of political economy at the time, and retained very little from the experience. i've been meaning to return to it for several years now, but i've been waiting for an opportunity to read it (and struggle with the material) with people who i might share political affinities with (the latter i've gleaned from following GF).

    brooklyn, ny
